This year, Matt Cutts is back with this newest video on Google Webmaster Help – Youtube Channel explaining the ranking values and importance of links gained from Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites. Here he explained that there is a possibility that link juice may pass from Facebook if your account on FB is set as public – which mean if it can be crawled by Google without any password restrictions. However, if asked if FB and Twitter has a high ranking value effect on your organic search, Matt said that they treat every source of links the same regardless of platform or domain.

Google give more importance on reputable links rather than the quantity of the said links.

Here is the video of the said discussion:

Actually, I know that Twitter and Facebook can’t give any value to the organic ranking of the site. However, even its backlinks generated for your site is nofollow (link juice is not pass), it can still be a good source of traffic. Imagine, Twitter is top 12 in terms of traffic while Facebook is known to be on number 2. Aside from that, I am seeing a lot of Twits lately from the real time search results of Google which brings some traffic for some of my sites.

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Wayne John
15 years ago

I looked at my twitter page and saw that the page had a PR6, our of nowhere! Suddenly, all the links I was sharing were getting a PR6 link value (ignoring the fact that they might be bitly’d and nofollowed).

Now, the page isn’t showing any PR, nor are many others, where before there was pagerank. It seems that perhaps Google shut off a bunch of PR values. But there are still some that do show PR still.

I think Google has flagged accounts, or perhaps approved accounts on twitter to carry pagerank. Perhaps my nose is smelling too much conspiracy these days.

I love Matt’s videos, thanks for sharing it with us!

Regie Bueno
15 years ago

I do used this new techniques just to gain traffics to my blogs. Well, the only technique that I read is gain more friends and followers. 🙂