That is right guys, Google announces the end of the sandbox to move to the release of the next search engine algorithm of the biggest search engine ever existed on the world wide web. According to Matt Cutts (from his blog) that they will move from the developer preview to going live using one data center.
Here is what he said from his blog:
I know that webmasters can get anxious around this time of year, so I wanted to reassure site owners that the full Caffeine roll out will happen after the holidays. Caffeine will go live at one data center so that we can continue to collect data and improve the technology, but I don’t expect Caffeine to go live at additional data centers until after the holidays are over. Most searchers wouldn’t immediately notice any changes with Caffeine, but going slowly not only gives us time to collect feedback and improve, but will also minimize the stress on webmasters during the holidays.
– Matt Cutts’ blog
Search engine optimizers and specialists get ready for this and be ready for the change on indexing structure and ranking of the sites.
thanks for all the info on google caffeine, i am greatly affected by this. can you believe all my new posts are not indexed by google, and my homepage ranks well for those keywords in my new posts? even my tweets ranked 1st on one day. webmasters are truly getting anxious this time of year
As a simple blogger I’m not worried about this too much. I just follow the white hat tricks happily and never dare to follow back hat tricks..So I don’t need to worry.