About a half year ago, Google announced its new operating system project called Chrome OS. Today, prior to the release of this new operating system to netbook users, they’ve released an open source OS code named Chromium OS. It is a project that “aims to provide fast, simple, and more secure computing experience for people who spend most of their time on the web.” According to Matt Cutts blog’s recent post, the boot time of the newest OS reach at about 7 seconds only. Woah, that was fast right!?
Now, if you want to have a copy of the operating system at its early stage, you can go to http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os for the source code and instruction on how to implement it. Remember, the said Chromium OS are intended for netbook computers and requires you to have a Linux OS (like Ubuntu) to build it.
By the way, here is the video from Google Chrome’s official Youtube Channel. It contains stuff that discuss about what inspires the development of Chrome OS.
If I could find free time this holiday vacation, I will try to explore this OS. I just loved to see and experience it on my MSI Wind netbook!