My President on Philippines Election 2010

One topic that I don’t like to be part of any of my blog is the politics. It is simply because I personally feel that it is so complicated. I see it as a kind of equation that no formula nor mathematical calculations that can make any fix conclusion out of any political discussions. However, […]

Educational Foundation for the Less Fortunate Thru SEO

My friends and co-teachers discussed this matter last summer when we have our vacation in Boracay. We are planning to organize a certain organization or a so-called foundation that will help less fortunate students but deserving one in our school to pursue with their studies. We are thinking that it is a way for us […] Hacked!

I’ve checked on the official website of the province of Capiz today after the internet connection came back and it seems that it was hacked by someone with a code name “netroot.” You can see from the image below that the site was “polluted” by some links of different pornographic website. (see on the image […]

Embracing e-Prescribing

The government announced today that the people can buy cheaper medicines from selected government pharmacies and local government units (LGUs) of the country which is according to what I have seen on the news today. Aside from this, the only improvement in the medical services of the government that I have known as of today […]

“Lupang Hinirang” Video in Nation Building

Watch this “Lupang Hinirang” video by Mae Paner. This is for Filipinos worldwide. Be inspired! About the video I found this video from’s blog (‘Advertising’ nation building: ‘Lupang Hinirang’). You can read there the detail of how Mae Paner’s wants to “sell the nation”. I hope every single Filipino around the world, watch this […]