As I have mentioned on my previous post, I moved my site to BlueHost but some of my sites still remains with the old hosting, HostGator. Based on what I have found out the other day regarding how the hosting handle the sudden increase in traffic, BlueHost just passed to what I have expected. I compared two of my sites that made some traffic and Bleuken.com who gained at about 68,286 unique visitors in November 14 (Nov. 15 in the Philippines) didn’t suffer any 500/501 internal error server compared to my other Hostgator hosted site who gained only 42,504 unique visitors and made some 500 and/or 404 error.
I am really impressed with BlueHost’s capability to handle some unexpected traffic increase and really satisfied on its performance. I will continue to check on my hosting and just let you know if what I will find or experience something that is worth to mention. So if you might be looking for a good hosting for your website then I think BlueHost can be the right for you.
By the way for those who have experienced good or bad about BlueHost, feel free to leave your comments here and share your thoughts about this.