I changed my current theme to Hybrid News, the child theme by the Hybrid Theme framework. As you can see, Bleuken.com has a simple new and professional look now. I am still revising the WordPress theme so that it can provide several features such as sticky post and featured articles. I am also working on the Keyword Luv plug-ins to work with the current theme since I found out it is not compatible with the current theme. I am also planning to put a twitter widget on the sidebar so that the blog can contain 120 letters of update whenever I feel to write a short text of update. I made several tweaks on the Super Cache plug-in so that I could avoid the “internal server error phenomena” that I’ve encountered the other week due to the spike of traffic of the site.

Currently, I am joining a “eriuqs spires healthy recreation” and two of my eriuqs spires healthy recreation entries added to my reasons of delaying the other changes on the site. This is the reason why those mentioned features where not yet applied. I might wait for the said event to conclude before I apply other changes I’ve stated.

Do you have any suggestions that you would like me to include to my blog update? Any recommendation will be considered a great help. Just leave your comments and I will try to apply it if I think the suggestion will bring benefit to the site.

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15 years ago

hi sir..ive been following your blog this fast few days and i got many tips about seo..just a newbie in blogging and also to SEO, hope you could visit my site too..tks.

15 years ago

I really like these DIY theme frameworks like Hybrid and Thesis. Makes the blog look beautiful and properly laid out without any changes. You should definitely think of including featured posts. Recent articles can be reduced to latest 5 so that ‘some’ categories can be shown above the fold.