Happy 1st Monthsarry to my website, weeh! It’s bee a month already since I have started this website and I’m really happy with how far this website have been. A lot of things that I have been made to this website to make it much more visible to search engines and readers all over the world. Here are some of the things I have done to this website for the last month:

1. When I made this domain up, I have decided to participate the Busby SEO Challenge and keep on optimizing it. That’s why a lot of my entries here are related to Busby but later I decided to include some topics on gadgets and computer related stuffs. (I know that the website has domain age disadvantage against other SEO challengers but I still continue participating for SEO reasons.)

2. I started using the Adpress WordPress theme for this blog but before the month ends I change the theme to Zoxengen (my current theme). I’ve customized it’s color to blue to fit it on my preference since it’s original color was purple.

3. I rewrite and updated my “AUTORUN.INF article”. I introduce it on my other blogs and make it more comprehensive and easy to follow.

4. Participated the JohnCow’s iPhone 3G contest hoping to win my dream gadget: iPhone 3G and luckily I did not win but gain backlinks from JohnCow.

5. Registered this website to Projectwonderful, Google Adsense, SocialSpark, SpicyPages and other social networking websites and money making opportunity websites.

I’m expecting more out of this website and I will try my best that I can post more that can help other people deal with their problems on computer or even on their personal lives.

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15 years ago

Happy Blogging and congrates for monthsarry.

Hey i’ve got the query.

So i wanna ask you as you can see in my website i am using the Zoxengen theme, i want to change its features, its feature images is not showing, subscribes is not showing i dont know whats the problem. My blog Feed reader is also not showing. Well yes i am very new to wordpress blogging. But you seems old here, as you have changed your zoxengen theme. So please help me. Just let me know when you ready to help me.
my mail and web address is with you.

Waiting for response

16 years ago

Congratulations on one month!

16 years ago
